Now that you have attended at least four classes you are able to answer these questions again to see if anything has changed .
How do you rate your energy level?
Energetic-like a pot of coffee
B) Some energy
C) Occasional afternoon slumps
D) Always feel sluggish
How well do you sleep?
A) Sleep through the night
B) May wake to go to the restroom
C) Toss and turn
D) Caffeine please
Rate your stress level.
A) Relaxed, life is smooth, and I can breath easily
B) Work is most of my stress
C) I can't relax, what is Netflix and chill?
D) Say hello to my anxiety attacks
How do you feel about your personal food choices?
A) On track-eat “healthy”
B) Good choices most days
C) No clue what’s good or bad
D) Whatever I can shove in my mouth
What are your feelings about your favorite pair of pants?
A) Perfect fit.
B) A lil’ snug
C) Two words “muffin top”
D) You mean sweat pants right ?
Do you use a scale ?
A) Yes
B) Sometimes
C) Only at the doctor
D) Threw it away!
When you think of exercise, what comes to mind?
A) It’s a priority, I enjoy it
B) I only do it for weight loss
C) I will make the change soon for exercise to be a routine
D) UGH… do I have to move?
How often are you currently exercising for a least 30 min?
A) 5-7
B) 3-4 times a week
C) 1-2 times a week
D) Haven’t started my routine
How often do you spend time outside ?
A) Specifically a couple of times a week
B) Sometimes at lunch
C) Maybe on weekends
D) I don’t like the outdoors