First Name
Last Name
Address 1
Address 2
Zip/Postal Code
Email Address
Family Member Names. PLEASE include ages of children.
(do not need age of parents)
Preferred Location for session
Clients Home
What type of style do you prefer?
A mix of candid & traditional
Special styled session
More info about you or your family: Please add any information about you or your children that would be helpful to make your session a success. What are the things you like to do together? places you like to go? specifics are lovely!
Are you wanting any specific photos from this session?
Other than family all together, children individually, siblings, etc.
Any details about family that is important for me to know (disabilities, step parents, etc.)
This information is helpful for me to know without discussing it at the session :)
A word about copyright. All images taken at your session will be copyrighted by Angela Jackson Photography and are protected by Federal Copyright Law. It is therefore unlawful to reproduce her (other than ordering from the CD) work in any manner. Please respect Angela's livelihood and the care and attention paid to each of your images by adhering to copyright laws. Moreover, as an artist Angela wishes to have control over the final look of her client’s images. Scanned or reproduced images are both illegal and a degradation of the original image quality. By checking the following box you are stating that you have read and understood the information in this agreement.
Yes, I agree to the terms of the portrait agreement and this check serves as my electronic signature.
No. I do not agree to the terms of the portrait agreement and this check serves as my electronic signature.
Angela would love to include her favorite images from your session in her portfolio. By agreeing to this optional model release, you grant Angela Jackson Photography permission to use images from this session in Angela's portfolio, website, marketing materials, magazine ads, and displays. Angela will contact you if any image from this session is used for any purpose other than her website portfolio.
Yes. I would love to see the best images from my session selected for Angela's website and blog!
No, I wish for my images to remain private.
Have you read and understood my rates and style of photography?